Monday 3rd April 2023 – Chris Bradley Cup and talk from Tony Moussalli
Chris Bradley Cup
On Monday were entertained with an evening of fun with nearly 50 images on show. This was by far the highest number of entries we have had for the Chris Bradley Cup. Our host and event organiser was Graham Peacock and what an excellent job he did.
Part of the fun of the evening was watching Graham as he read out the alternative titles by members. His chuckles were a tonic on their own and it would be interesting to see some of the titles which he judged were a little ‘sensitive’ for our discerning, sensitive membership!
Well done Graham.
Congratulations to:
Winning photo Glorious Oblivion by Peter Russell.
Winning comment Honey I’m home by Wendy Lamb for the photo Where’s the cat by John Martin.
Well done to all the photographers who submitted images. It made for a lovely evening.
A photographic tour of LA – Tony Moussalli
After the break we were entertained by our very own Tony Moussalli who shared with us his adventures with a camera around Los Angeles.
A unique and interesting insight from Tony across several genres. Tony is an expert at capturing the unusual and unexpected and his recent photography journey was no exception. I especially liked his anecdotes and his response to ‘what about a tip’ comment. Maybe you should think about judging?
Many thanks Tony for an entertaining presentation.
David Watkins
Club Chairman