
The DarKnights are a group of Club members with an interest in night/low light photography , they take trips every month or so to various places during the evening or early morning hours , the group travels around the area to places such as Marlow, Oxford, Avebury and London –   The DarKnights work can be found on mainly Flickr and have been featured in club competitions.


Do you want to join us?

All Club members are welcome to join on our adventures.

It is very simple, just send an email to Gareth Fish and he will add you to the DarKnights mail list. Then you will receive up to the minute updates on the planned events and news about dark night photography.


 Below is a selection of the Group’s Images 

The Bridge

Martin Rogers – Waterside Reflections – Marlow

Gareth Fish – A quiet dinner – Dining alone in Marlow

Old and New

For more images contact Gareth for the Groups FLICKR Library