Monday 5th December 2022 – Creative Corners Member’s Evening
Many thanks to everyone who turned up on Monday night for this new approach to the format of members evenings. We had over 40 members at the OLC with their cameras!
The more practical approach went down well and there was a real ‘buzz’ in the hall and for the first time in a few years, even the bell made an appearance. The logistics for the evening worked well with members having the opportunity to talk amongst themselves, grabbing a coffee whilst moving around the four subject areas.
My sincere thanks go to the following members who led the four subject areas:
Steve Buesden – Studio Lighting
Mark Perkins. – Macro Photography
Jeff Lawrence – Constant Lighting
Jon Sawyer. – Picture me Picture You
These members ‘volunteered’ to prepare and deliver four sessions for the benefit and enjoyment of us all. And what a great job they did.
In addition to the planned delivery, we had some ad hoc ‘consultancy’ from members helping out with a few camera setting issues mainly around using the remote flash.
Thank you Alistair!
The feedback and straw poll at the end of the evening gave a thumbs up with a high level of interest for a repeat session. Which is just as well because plans for Creative Corners No 2 are well advanced! I have an excellent line up of willing ‘volunteers’ running a series of topics for us all to participate in and enjoy. I think we may be on to something here.
The date is 20th February 2023. Details to follow.
David Watkins
Club Chairman
Great blog and the photos really capture the buzz of a super evening.