
Visit to Brands Hatch on 7th July 2022 for a CameraWorld Organised Event

Four of us from the club, David Watkins, Jon Sawyer, Paul Hendley and Ian Hardacre visited Brands Hatch to attend the CameraWorld organised a small photo fair that was held on one of the floors of the MotorSport Vision Centre. They had organised for Ambassadors from Canon, Nikon and Sony to lead walking tours throughout the day to help participants capture images of the passing cars. The Indy circuit was being used as a track day with various saloon cars circulating each session.

Jon Sawyer

Jon Sawyer had visited many times as a spectator and we followed his lead to find places around the circuit to Druids and to Clearways.

Lifting a wheel

Ian Hardacre


Canon EOS R5 RF100-500mm:  ISO 100, 500mm, f/14, 1/40 sec

David Watkins

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Paul Hendley

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Ian Hardacre
Programme Secretary, Bracknell Camera Club