External Competition

The Albany Cup 2020

Last Monday we competed in Guildford Photographic Society’s Albany Cup (which we won last year.) Traditionally this is a print panel competition so, due to COVID, this year they allowed a large 4800 * 4800 pixel PDI representation of “the panel” (marked out of 40 pts) along with 4 individual images (marked out of 10).

There had to be at least three authors submitting the four images. Of the eight clubs, we came last on the individual image scores and sixth on the panel – making us overall last equal.

Titles – Optional Score Prints Score Panel Total
Bracknell – Strangers in the light 64.5
Lady of Mystery.jpg – Jan Walters 7.5
Midnight cafe.jpg – Gareth Fish 7 35
The Departing Don.jpg – Jan Walters 7.5
Walking out of the tunnel.jpg – David Watkins 7.5

Walking out the tunnel by David Watkins

The departing don by Jan Walters

Midnight cafe by Gareth Fish


Lady of mystery by Jan Walters

Paul Hendley
External Competitions Secretary