17th May 2021 – Best of the Best – judged by Jim Pascoe
The images assessed in this season’s Best of the Best competition comprised the 10s from this season’s league and the firsts and seconds from the individual monthly competitions held since January plus the 10s from last season’s PDI league. Note that the prints from last season’s league will be held over for next season’s Best of the Best.
It was a daunting task to assess such a strong batch of images and Jim did a great job, but perhaps I am slightly biased! As he said, it’s just one person’s opinion and I dare say that we all found different favourites. Jim’s comments were very constructive and entertaining, while maintaining a good pace throughout.
Well done, Jim.
Alan Edwards
Club Chairman
Congratulations to the award winners:
First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Highly Commended


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