The Portfolio Competition 6th April 2020
The Portfolio competition has two distinct parts: submitting a humorous image and then ‘marking’ and commenting on everyone else’s images.

The first part of the competition
Images for the annual Portfolio competition are not the usual images that members would submit to our internal competitions that have judges from outside the Club.
The images should err more on the humorous side rather than being ones that might please (or even annoy) an external judge. They should be technically OK but please the humour in the image is the most important.
The image should be accompanied with a title that reflects the humour in the image.
This season entries are requested to be submitted before the first meeting in 2020 on January 6th.
The second part of the competition
The organisers of the competition then take all the titles from the submitted images and produce a summary. A paper copy of the summary is then sent to every member who entered the Portfolio.
Members who entered are then asked to review all the entered images.
Each image is scored out of 10 – remember this is a competition about the humour in the image . . .
Now for the second part of the competition – members are also asked to write their own ‘comment’ (or a revised title!) on each of the images. Please no vulgarity – keep it clean!
The organisers will ask for the completed sheets to be returned as soon as possible.
Then the organisers will do their magic and collate all the marks AND all the ‘comments’ for each image.
The results announced on April 6th 2020
The winning image will be the one with the highest score and of course these scores will be from members.
The second competition (only for a bottle of wine) will be for the ‘best’ (funniest?) ‘comment’ submitted by a member against another member’s image. We leave this important decision up to the organisers.
Finally, each entrant receives a copy of all the comments (or alternate ‘titles’) suggested by their fellow entrants.
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