
The DarKnights visit that bridge again in February 2023

On Wednesday 8th February a group of DarKnights SIG members met on the footbridge close to the “busy” Coral Reef junction on the A322. I was 30 minutes late (getting lost in the Forest Park Estate as I looked for somewhere to park) and already the tripods were out and the cameras pointing at the road below.

The A322 was busy not only with rush hour traffic but with trucks going down to the M3, ambulances and multiple visits by gritting lorries.

In true DarKnight’s tradition the evening had sub-zero temperatures and all of us were well wrapped up.

Here are some of the images from the evening:

by David Chidwick


By Ian Hardacre


By Gladys Perrier

This image is by Andy Myatt of the light trails and the stars. He has processed the 20 shots that he did at 20 seconds exposure. He asks us to please excuse the smeary lens.


And finally here’s Gareth’s image for his research trip to the bridge. It is four images, layered in PS, Lighten blend mode, and masked out stationary cars.

By Gareth Fish

Thank you Gareth for organising this field trip.

Ian Hardacre