The DarKnights: Trip to Farnham on Saturday 19th February 2022

Steve Buesden – light trails

Our DarKnights trip did actually happen following the battering that was Storm Eunice. In fact it was dry, no wind, quite warm and we had some clear skies. So the happy five that ventured forth had a very pleasant evening discovering the dark alleys, snatching some surreptitious street shots (did you like that alliteration?)

Gareth Fish – No apology boys, you made my photo

and even in one case standing at a junction like a Number Plate Recognition agent… see below!

Gareth Fish – A DarKnight in action

I would like to say a big thankyou to Mark Wright who had done some daytime and night time scouting before Christmas and was able to point us on a little circuit. Another member of our party had stayed in a pub in Farnham 30 years ago but couldn’t remember where it was. I concluded this was less helpful.

Gladys Perrier – Night Vision

Couple of comments from me…I am amazed at how friendly people are and they are genuinely interested in what we are doing. They love looking at the photos on the back of the camera, and sometimes ask us if anyone famous is in town! I was photographing a wine bar in one of the courtyards and the owner came out and asked me if I was from the licencing authority or HMRC. I didn’t ask the obvious! But he did pose in the doorway for me and said they would have more decorative lights up shortly, so might go back.

Steve Buesden – church


Mark Wright – church

The other comment I would make is one of the technical challenges we face at night time is there are lights of all sorts of colours and temperature ranges. This was brought out in stark contrast when photographing St. Andrews church; the tower was lit up in a blue-green light, the graveyard in orange. It looked ghastly to say the least to the naked eye and in a photo I thought was awful. Hence most of us converted the image to to monochrome. I’ve left the colour version (of my photo) in so you can form your own opinion.

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Mark Wright – Farnham Street

So, the DarKnights are truly out of Covid/Winter hibernation having done Wokingham and Farnham in already this year. Our next trip is  to Sulham Tower (behind IKEA in Reading) so do join us for a single location shoot. The full programme details are in the DarKnights’ post in the Member’s Only Area.

Gladys Perrier – Farnham

Many thanks to all who shared their images for use in this blog and please take a look on the DarKnights Flickr page for more…

BCC Secretary and DarKnights SIG lead

Gareth Fish

Generally having fun, mostly outdoor genres of photography. I look after the Night Photography SIG for the club. If you are interested in going the DarKnights, give me a call