January 23rd 2023 – The Winter Digital Image Competition – Mono Graveyards
An intriguing theme for this season’s competition for our judge, Colin Harrison to review and comment on. And what a good job he did. Thoughtful comments across the board with an insight into what he was looking for in terms of composition and light.
We had a long list of award winning images and congratulations to those who were awarded certificates:
Gold Medal Richard Bullock Graveside vigil
Silver Medal Helen Berridge Follow the light
Bronze Medal Chris Bradley Graveyard Cross
Highly commended
Stephanie Paterson Signs of life amongst the dead
Mark Perkins Graveyard
Paul Hendley Joined in death
Gladys Perrier Ivy intertwines
To view all the entries click here.
For the first evening across a number of seasons, we had an amazing amount of entries.
Many thanks to all those members who entered images. I hope you were rewarded with some helpful comments and an independent perspective on your images.
David Watkins
Club Chairman