Club CompetitionMeeting Notes

The tens from our internal PDI League Round 5

The final round of the PDI league featured triptych images and they were assessed by the eminent and highly experienced judge, Roger Reynolds. His down-to-earth and largely anecdote-free approach meant he provided ample constructive observations on the images and yet, without appearing to be hurried, completed the evening in good time. We learned lots about good composition for a triptych and the need to balance the tone and colours of the three images.

I must say I was impressed with both the quantity and quality of the images on show. I was especially impressed that there were six in the comments only section with some of you producing two triptychs. You came up with a lot of ideas, I’m glad the subject brought out the creativity in our members, perhaps we should have a triptych competition more frequently!

Congratulations to Caroline Colegate and Graham Peacock for their tens in Division 1 and to Brian Poulton for his in Division 2.

Alan Edwards
Club Chairman


The 10s from Division 1

At the Station by Graham Peacock


Nature’s Sculpture by Caroline Colegate ARPS APAGB


The 10 from Division 2

To The Moon and Beyond by Brian Poulton