Advanced booking for ‘Street & Architecture – genres that overlap’ by Ian Howard on April 4th 2022
The Club always welcomes visitors to come and enjoy our wide variety of speakers and despite the COVID-19 pandemic we would like to continue that tradition.
Click the button below to book a place on this Zoom talk for only £4 plus handling fee (note that places are limited).
‘Street & Architecture – genres that overlap’ by Ian Howard on April 4th 2022‘
The aim of this talk is to give an insight into the mechanics aspects and skill sets for street and architecture based photography. This talk is designed to deliver inspiration and technical input for beginners and advanced photographers.
A breakdown of the techniques and aspects of architecture photography and references to some leading photographers to follow up on.
Plus a breakdown of the techniques and aspects of street photography and again references to some leading photographers to follow up on.’
The talk will start at 8pm and the Zoom session will open after 7.30 PM.
Please do not share the Zoom details with anyone else.
Option from the Club for Zoom Guests
If you live locally then should you decide to join the Club then we will offset three Zoom meeting fees off your subscription fee in this season.
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