
The Bracknell Nine Clubs 2020

Yesterday evening Farnborough won the Joe Hanson Memorial Trophy in our 2020 Bracknell Nine Clubs PDI Competition.

The overall results were as follows:

Farnborough 56.5
Bracknell 55
Maidenhead 55
Wycombe 53
Windlesham and Camberley 52
Yateley 51.5
Burgfield 50.5
Newbury 48

The images that we entered into the competition scored as follows:

Almost Due Jon Sawyer 10
Catching the Winter Sun Peter Terry 9
Dalmatian Pelicans at Sunset Iona McKenzie 9
Perseverance Daan Olivier 8.5
Toby the proud Welsh Pony Stephanie Paterson 10
USAF F-22 Raptor Paul Hadaway 8.5

Our special congratulations go to Stephanie and Jon for scoring tens for their images.